• Fiercely pursue more money, more impact, and more momentum. (While also still REALLY caring about the work we do and the people we do it for.)

  • Show the fuck up, every day, as the leaders we know we were born to be. (Not because we have to, but because we want to.)

  • Understand the importance of getting a little uncomfortable from time to time in order to make our big, bold dreams a reality. (But also know we never have to abandon ourselves to do so.)

  • Market and sell ourselves consistently like the CEOs and entrepreneurs we are. (And refuse to apologize for it.)

  • Know making money online is actually quite simple because we have a solid, strategic formula for getting paid every day. (And we know that formula doesn’t have to mean cookie cutter.)

  • Are in it for the long haul. We know attempting to hack success never works and that getting rich overnight isn’t realistic. (But we’re also damn sure that overnight wins absolutely are.)

  • Know we’re strong, powerful, and capable of conquering the world on our own. (But also know we can make it happen even faster when we surround ourselves with people who want to see us win.)

And we do it all with a smile on our face and motto on our mind…

You’re fucking welcome.


A membership community created for entrepreneurs who are ready for their next level of success, visibility, and momentum and are ready and willing to go all in on claiming it - authentically and unapologetically.

With strategic trainings, monthly accountability challenges, and a high vibe, supportive community, The Show Up + Blow Up® Collective has been created to give you everything you need to create, sustain, and celebrate MORE wins, month after month - whether you’re trying to make your first sale or celebrating your first million dollar year.

Because the universal truth is the same, no matter what you do or how long you’ve been doing it for - when you SHOW UP, you BLOW UP.

THIS IS no longer just A PROGRAM.


This is about women entrepeneurs, all over the world, in all different niches, at all different levels of business, coming together to collectively make their next level a reality NOW.

And I’d love for you to be a part of it.

as a member of the show up + blow up® collective,


  • I want you to say “FUCK THIS SHIT” to mediocre money, slow audience growth, and anything else that’s keeping you small right now. I want you to know that your big goals and dreams are possible, and for you to love yourself enough to go ALL IN on creating the exact circumstances you want.

  • I want you to understand that business success isn’t about hustling because you have to or checking off boxes that someone else told you to check. I want you start showing up with purpose and being so damn good that they couldn’t ignore you if they tried.

  • I want you to stop jumping on trends, marketing yourself on platforms you hate, and holding yourself back from becoming who you know you’re meant to be. It’s time to start saying what you mean, meaning what you say, and in a way that feels like home to who you are at your core.

  • I want you to ditch the notion you EVER have to feel guilty about showing up and selling authentically. I want you to give yourself permission to not only give massively, but to ask massively as well, knowing your people are better off when they pay you.

  • I want you to stop chasing every shiny object and re-inventing your strategy every other week. I want you to feel a deep sense of confidence in your ability to make money whenever you want, because you’ve mastered a timeless strategy that helps you do just that.

  • I want you to stop feeling disconnected from your audience and like everything you want is so far away from where you are now. I want you to understand and truly know that huge shifts in momentum, electricity, energy, impact, and income can happen quickly.

  • I want you to stop feeling alone or isolated on your entrepreneurial journey, I want you to have, contribute to, and love being a part of an electric, supportive community that simultaneously lifts you up and pushes you to go bigger.


I believe that the world is a much better place when brilliant, kind, honest, passionate women make money (and a lot of it!) doing what they love - and I consider it my job to embolden you and guide you to do exactly that.

I’m here to help you…

Draw a line in the sand and blow up your income to a level you’ve always known, deep down, that you’re worthy of.

Create the kind of community you’re craving, to lead with passion and purpose, and to ultimately make sure you feel proud of how you do business.

Ditch the rules and the “good girl” persona you think you have to hold onto so that you can create a business that feels authentic and aligned to who you are as a human.

Create incredible offers that are worth every penny, make the world a better place, and remind you to NEVER EVER be sorry about selling them.

Make sure you have a simple, timeless formula for getting paid every day and that you discipline yourself to implement it so you can spend more time MAKING money and less time stressing about it.

Remind you that the momentum you want is closer than you realize, and encourage you to go out and create it.

Make sure you never forget who the fuck you are, and that you surround yourself with people who don’t let you forget either.

In case you’re new here…

The short version of my story is that I started my business back in 2012, but it wasn’t until 2017 that things got GOOD.

After a particularly rough time in my personal life, I found myself broke (like, having to ask my mom to borrow rent money for February, broke) and basically in a position where I had no choice but to turn it all around.

I drew a line in the sand. I decided I was too damn smart and capable to ever feel this way again. I went all in on showing up, doing live videos in my Facebook Group, and selling every day. I committed to being so good they couldn’t ignore me. I disciplined myself to do the work that had to be done, so that I could create the freedom I wanted so badly.

I worked hard, but also kept things simple. That same February, I had my first $45k month, by the end of 2017, I was celebrating my first $500k year, and The Show Up + Blow Up® Method was born.

A few years and several millions of dollars later, this method is still the same strategy I use today when I decide it’s time to go bigger, and I’ve taught thousands of other women to do the same.

I believe, with every bone in my body, that it doesn’t matter what’s trending now, the platform you’re using, or the niche you’re in - making money online can be simple.

And there’s sincerely nothing I love more than helping other women entrepreneurs experience and believe it too.

at the heart of SHOW UP + BLOW UP® is my signature 3 step framework.

Which is why you’ll get access to this priceless program as a member of The Collective and why it will be your guide for everything you do as you set out to go bigger and be bolder than ever before.


Grow Your Audience

  • How to establish where you’re showing up and why so that you can intentionally and strategically create an audience of people who love buying from you.

  • How to go about simply and effectively bringing the RIGHT people into your world.

  • How to balance out being a business owner and a human being for the people in your world so that they like you, respect you, and also BUY from you.


Sell to Your Audience

  • How to decide what to sell and what you need to do daily so that you can easily command sales 365 days a year.

  • The most important things you need to know when it comes to creating offers that your people want to buy.

  • What to sell if you want to make money NOW and HOW to get them up and running immediately.

LESSON three

Nurture Your Audience

  • How to create a simple sales system and content that converts so that you can show up consistently and strategically and get paid.

  • What you need to understand about showing up for your audience so that they’re ready to work with you NOW and in the future.

  • What to say, share, and focus on so that you don’t feel like you’re begging for sales, and instead, you’re commanding them.


You know it’s time to go bigger.


Show Up + Blow Up® Digital Course.

As a member of The Collective, you’ll get access to this signature program which will serve as your road map for creating the money and momentum I know you want. Completely new and re-recorded, much of the timeless 3 step framework I’ve taught for years is the same - but the vibe is anything but. It’s been elevated. Taken up about 15 notches. It’s more unapologetic, more dynamic than ever before - and it’s going to be a game changer for you.

Course includes video trainings, supplementary content like workbooks, templates, and checklists, as well as access to all of the content as a private podcast for easy listening on the go.

90 Minute Weekly Group Coaching Calls.

Yes, this will be a place where I’m able to help you troubleshoot, solve problems, and make strategy decisions, but just as important, you’ll be given the opportunity to share your wins and consistently be reminded of who the fuck you are. My MISSION is to make sure you walk away from these calls feeling HYPED, EMPOWERED, ENCOURAGED, and UNSTOPPABLE. We’ll laugh, we’ll cry, we’ll have fun - and we’ll make a whole lot of money along the way.

Calls will take place Wednesday’s at 10am Pacific. More details on call structure listed in FAQ section.

5 Day Action Oriented Challenges Every Month.

One of the most powerful (and FUN!) parts of the Show Up + Blow Up® process is ACTION. Over the years, the live challenges I’ve run alongside the program have been a catalyst for hundreds of women to start showing up in a bigger way. In fact, countless clients have credited these challenges for pushing them to show up and create wins, when they wouldn’t have otherwise. Therefore, we’re incorporating these challenges as part of The Collective. They’ll take place the second full week of every month (unless otherwise noted), will have a different theme each month, and will also include some really incredible PRIZES.

High Vibe Supportive Community.

Can you do it alone? Sure. Are you going to be a fuck of a lot more likely to make BIGGER things happen when you’re surrounded by other people who want to see you win? Absolutely. That’s why we’ll have an active, engaged private Facebook community intended to be a safe, high vibe place for you to ask questions, share wins, and ultimately be in the VIBE of SHOWING UP and BLOWING UP.

I’ll be active here Monday - Friday for quick questions.

Exclusive Discounts, Offers, and Other Fun Shit.

As a member of The Show Up + Blow Up® Collective, you’ll receive coupon codes for other programs, as well as exclusive access to things like in-person events. (The truth is this is a brand new offer, but I have some REALLY big ideas and dreams for it that I believe are going to blow you away.)



A strict six month commitment is required.


  • One of my favorite things about this program, and especially the challenges, is that you can take it and implement it, over and over again, for bigger results.

    With that said, I wanted to keep the pricing simple and accessible as we launched, and so the price is the same for everyone, whether you have purchased Show Up + Blow Up® in the past or not. However, between the program being refreshed, and the inclusion of weekly calls, monthly challenges, etc, I feel confident that you’ll find it’s worth EVERY penny, no matter what.

  • Because you are getting so much as soon as you register, I require a strict six month commitment for every person who joins. After six months, you’re welcome to cancel (by filling out a specific form on the membership site) anytime.

  • You’ll have access to all content (Show Up + Blow Up® digital course, call recordings, etc.) for as long as you’re an active, paying member. Upon cancelling your membership/the month you’ve paid through being completed, you will lose access to the membership site and community.

  • Calls will take place Wednesdays at 10am Pacific beginning on December 6th.

    Calls are subject to change from time to time, but I always do my best to stay on schedule.

    The calls will work in a first come, first served manner. You let me know you have a question/wanna talk something out, and we’ll do just that. I’ll be mindful to take into account how many people are on, and move through so that it’s as fair as possible to everyone.

  • As far as structure, The $500k Sales System will only be a self-study course moving forward, so there are no opportunities for coaching calls, challenges, etc.

    As far as content, the two programs are very similar, with the main difference being that Show Up + Blow Up® is meant for quick momentum

    It’s like…if The $500k Sales System were a big, jam packed, detail oriented book, Show Up + Blow Up® would be the (really fucking awesome) Cliff’s Notes version of it.

    (Investment for The $500k Sales System, when it re-launches, will be $1,500, for reference)

Before you go…

A Final Note From Sara.

Here’s the truth. The “I swear to Taylor Swift” level truth.

I don’t create offers so that I can make money. I create offers that I believe are going to change your whole damn life.

As a member of The Show Up + Blow Up® Collective, you GET a lot in terms of content and materials and support.

But more than what you GET, I want you to join because of who you believe it’s going to help you become.

I know that I want to live in a world where women aren’t afraid to show up fully as their authentic selves, unapologetically sell things they believe in, and show up to create and claim all the success they’ve ever wanted.

And if you’re still reading this, it’s probably safe to say you want that too.

My hope is that you’ll join me in creating exactly that - for yourself and for the other women who want it too.

Ready? Let’s fucking do this.


Fill out the form, and we’ll get back to you ASAP.