practical Money Magic re-launches soon.

It’s time to end your situationship with money.

Believe it or not, money doesn’t have to equal drama.

You don’t HAVE to let what is (or isn’t) in your bank account dictate how you show up and sell your stuff. You don’t HAVE to let one bad week or launch send you into a tailspin of wondering whether or not it’s all downhill from here.

You don’t HAVE to get shaken up every time you start spending or investing a little more than you’re comfortable with. You don’t HAVE to let client’s failed payments or people leaving your membership impact your business decisions.

You don’t HAVE to make words like recession make you DOUBT what’s possible for you. You don’t HAVE to base your rates on the feedback of others or what you think they can or can’t afford.

YOU get to choose calm and confidence and certainty when it comes to cash, each and every day, and that’s largely because there’s a lot of money out there available to you right now. Like…A LOT.

And so what I want you to know is that your fears and anxieties about money can be banished for good with the help of some practical action and mindset magic - which is what I’m ready to help you with.

Ready to let the dysfunction go for good? Good.


A self study program created to help you, in short, calm the fuck down when it comes to money, so that you can finally start CONSISTENTLY CREATING what you desire and deserve - minus the drama.

By focusing on practical action AND mindset magic, my intention is to help you understand that YOU are the boss of your business, not the state of your bank account, and therefore it’s safe to make it AND spend it whenever and however you want to.


prac-ti-cal; adjective:

concerned with the actual doing of something rather than with theory and ideas.

ma-gic; noun:

the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.


You will be different after it.


There’s no shortage of money mindset programs out there. You know it and I know it. In fact, I’m sure you’ve taken at least a handful of them.

However, in my experience, MOST of them fall into one of two camps:

On one hand, we have the mindset-only programs. Sometimes they’re more spiritual, with the “trust the universe” and “use your crystals” type of advice. ORRRRR they’re just the same “write out your money story” ones that coaches have been pretty much playing a game of telephone with for years now. Either way, you’re like - ok great. But now what do I DOOOOOO?

And then on the other, there are the programs that shame you, blame you, and attempt to terrify you into believing that holding onto your money with a death grip is the only way to get ahead. (Looking at you, Dave. 🙄)

Practical Money Magic is neither of those.

This is about showing you how to fully believe that MAGIC is possible for you when it comes to money BECAUSE you know the PRACTICAL actions you need to take to make it your reality.

You Are Magic

You Are Magic ✨

The first thing I want you to know is that I get it.

I wasn’t raised “with money”. I grew up regularly hearing things like “we can never get caught up”, “it’s always something” or “ you better be saving for a rainy day” - things that made me CRAVE and be DEATHLY AFRAID of money all at the same time.

By the time I turned 18, I signed up for every credit card I could get approved for (damn you, Abercrombie & Fitch), and because I had felt like I never had access to money before, I racked up tens of thousands of dollars in credit card debt before I was even done with college. I was like a kid in a candy store when it came to SPENDING - but then I was terrified to actually LOOK at those bills, let alone pay them on time.

I spent the next few years just ACCEPTING that living paycheck to paycheck, struggling to make ends meet, and getting multiple collection calls each day was normal. (HINT: It’s NOT fucking normal.) When I became an entrepreneur, I finally started to see how messed up so many of these stories and thoughts and patterns actually were - and I knew I had to FIX them if I was going to be successful, let alone wealthy. I also realized that if I wanted to be a successful business owner, I had to start thinking and operating like one, versus the person with a normal 9-5 job and limited income.

And so I’ve spent the past 10+ years untangling all the knots that my upbringing, not to mention society, created. I’ve read the books, I’ve taken the courses, and I’ve done the work. Some of it helped tremendously. Some of it made things worse. Millions of dollars, and lots of ups and downs later, I’m in control when it comes to all things money.

I know how to calm the fuck down. I know that I can create cash whenever I want it or need it. I know that it’s safe to spend money on things that I desire. I know that going into a place of fear or restriction never makes things better. I also know not to spend recklessly in the name of abundance.

In short, I trust myself with money. Finally. And I want to make sure you do too.


Lesson One

Make Peace With the Past

Hate to break it to ya - but even if I handed you $1 million tomorrow, you probably wouldn’t be capable of KEEPING it unless you clear out some of the clutter and bullshit that has infected your mind since you were born.

  • How to untangle the past and start fresh with a new chapter of your business and financial life - because BIG shifts are possible quickly for every single one of you. No bullshit.

  • Learning how to be the “watcher” of your thoughts and truly learn how to pay attention to WHY you do what you do, so that you can stop self sabotaging once and for all.

  • Letting go of any guilt around debtor resentment about past bad investments so that you can face forward and command cash in a new chapter of your life and business.

  • The most powerful things I’ve worked on myself when it comes to shifting my identity and perception of self.

  • Recognizing that really, you are always functioning in one of 3 categories - and how once you see that, everything can change. (This was a lightbulb moment recently and it has COMPLETELY changed my life in all ways.)

Lesson Two

Think Like An Entreprenuer

Entrepreneurs simply CAN’T think about money the same way 9-5’ers do. It’s that simple. This lesson will help you understand how to shift into possibility mode - instead of panic.

  • ✨ Why pursuing what you’re passionate and excited about is always the thing that’s going to command the most cash.

    ✨ How to stop letting people overstep your boundaries or push you around because you’re afraid to lose out on their sale.

    ✨ How to finally finally FINALLY stop being afraid to charge what you want to charge - and how to not give a fuck who has an issue with it.

    ✨ Why time management, productivity, and self care are some of the most cliche and common things talked about, and yet so many people don’t know what they actually mean - and they sure as fuck don’t practice them daily practices.

  • Why pursuing what you’re passionate and excited about is always the thing that’s going to command the most cash.

  • How to stop letting people overstep your boundaries or push you around because you’re afraid to lose out on their sale.

    ✨ How to finally finally FINALLY stop being afraid to charge what you want to charge - and how to not give a fuck who has an issue with it.

    ✨ Why time management, productivity, and self care are some of the most cliche and common things talked about, and yet so many people don’t know what they actually mean - and they sure as fuck don’t practice them daily practices.

  • ✨ How to finally finally FINALLY stop being afraid to charge what you want to charge - and how to not give a fuck who has an issue with it.

    ✨ Why time management, productivity, and self care are some of the most cliche and common things talked about, and yet so many people don’t know what they actually mean - and they sure as fuck don’t practice them daily practices.

  • Why time management, productivity, and self care are some of the most cliche and common things talked about, and yet so many people don’t know what they actually mean - and they sure as fuck don’t practice them daily practices.

Lesson Three

Calm + Consistent Cash Creation

Manifesting a random check from your insurance company is cool and all…but uhhh…then what? I want you knowing how to create money WHENEVER. YOU. WANT.

  • My EXACT goal setting process. I’m breaking down the EXACT steps I take to plan out BIG MONEY MONTHS - how I choose what to sell, the marketing steps I put into place, the things I work on from a money mindset perspective, etc. This is what I’ve done EVERY TIME I’ve jumped into the next income level and I know it can help you do it too.

  • My favorite, straight forward ways to make money RIGHT NOW. I’ll cover offers AND marketing strategies.

  • How to not let emotions get the best of you, even when you’re feeling broke, so that you can detach from the outcome of what you need and instead shift into what you can make happen.

  • How to master simplicity - because wayyyyyyy too many of you are making the act of bringing in a couple thousand dollars quickly wayyyyyyyyy too hard.

  • Ways to make sure there’s ALWAYS money coming in - no matter what.

Lesson four

Fuck Fear + Master Momentum

Again..hate to break it to ya..but this money work is not a one time thing. It’s work you’ll have to do over and over again - but the work gets easier, I promise.

  • How to STOP letting fear around money run the show.

  • How to TRULY trust and believe that momentum is never ever lost and that you can’t ever fuck up or break your business and cash flow.

  • What long term shifts you need to make so that AT ANY STAGE, you know how to trust yourself when it comes to investing in yourself.

  • How to pivot in your business - minus the drama or sacrifice.

  • Stretching and getting comfortable with bigger numbers - so that you can keep growing and growing.

The Details

Four Video Trainings

I’ll be sharing with you the absolute most important things I want you to know so that you can shift into being calm and confident with cash. At the end we’ll open up the line for coaching to make sure you are 100% clear and covered.

Supplementary Materials

With each training, you’ll also receive supplementary content that will allow you to put the lessons into action and shift things once and for all. Expect everything from specific exercises and action steps to journaling prompts and workbooks. Even examples of how I work on a lot of this myself. No fluff. No BS. Everything you need and nothing that you don’t - promise.



I've been doing this long enough to know that there are many of you who will have gotten to this point on the sales page, and want in, only to decide that you can't afford it. Or that you should buy a $12 book instead, so that you can figure this out on your own. And if that's what you're telling yourself - that means you’re the type of person who needs this program the most.

That’s not to sell you. It’s just simply the truth. Because that way of thinking is, more than likely, why you're where you are in the first place. That's not said to shame you or make you feel bad. But it is to wake you up. Because I know, FOR SURE, that there is lots and lots and lots of money available to you.

It’s out there, ready for you to grab it.

But UNTIL you wake up, and unfuck the thoughts, stories, and patterns that got you here in the first place, you're gonna keep missing out on it. And isn’t it time that you stopped missing out on all the magic and money you’re capable and deserving of? Thought so.

Yes, I’m in!

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